What causes hait to go grey prematurely? My fellow's hair has been going grey for the last couple of years (and he's only 23). What could have caused this? Neither his mum or dad went grey until they were in their 40s.
Premature Grey Hair?
In his case it may be a recessive gene. Even though neither of his parents displayed it, one or both of them most likely carry it and passed it on to him.
For instance, both of my parents have brown eyes. My great grandmother had green eyes, as do I. My mother carried the gene and passed it onto me, even though she did not display it.
By the way, my mother also passed on grey hair to me...LOL. She was totally grey by 25, and at 34 i am mostly grey.
Premature Grey Hair?
It's probably a recessive gene. Can't do anything about it - it's like baldness.
Premature Grey Hair?
probably you on his back constantly. stress can course it
Premature Grey Hair?
When the hair goes grey the cells which make the hair its colour have switched of. This can happen for many reasons, only one of which is genetic. I had more grey in my hair when I was 25 than my mum had when she died at 77 so it does no always follow that you will not be grey because you're parents arent;
Premature Grey Hair?
Sometimes it can be caused through stress. I have a friend who's hair starting greying at 17 but her colour has returned since.
Premature Grey Hair?
he hasnt told you his right age old bast*rd
Premature Grey Hair?
Could have been the stress of living with you.
Premature Grey Hair?
Not true, Grey hair color is depending upon a special dye secreted periodically to pigment the hair with the color relative to the complexion color, this pigment is quantitive... just amount can be exhausted.
Premature Grey Hair?
i think hereditary-mum went early,so have i.
on that subject-grey or shaved?
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