Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Does worry or stress really turn our hair grey, as in "He/She turned grey overnight"?

If stress really does turn hair grey, through, for instance, an excess or depletion of a certain hormone, then surely hormone treatment would 'cure' greying/greyed hair?

Does worry or stress really turn our hair grey, as in "He/She turned grey overnight"?

I think I've heard that stress doesn't cause it, but I have to wonder. I've seen too many get grey hair in a hurry, after a stressful event.

Does worry or stress really turn our hair grey, as in "He/She turned grey overnight"?

Certinly not overnight

Does worry or stress really turn our hair grey, as in "He/She turned grey overnight"?

I have gotten many grey hairs. More over time when stress builds up.

Does worry or stress really turn our hair grey, as in "He/She turned grey overnight"?

check out ( )

Also the stresseraser is a great product, you can find it at ( )

good luck.

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