Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

i found one grey hair,i think its weird at my age *16* and it starts off grey and then turns into my normal colour, i wanna pull it out expect my mum is using hair scare tactics of old wives tales. If its true i'd like to dye it then, is there any natural products i can find at home that will turn grey hair in brunette hair?

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

Not true. But, less hair might grow in that same spot if you keep plucking them. Best to snip the grey ones near the root near your scalp. ;)

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

Not true...

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

No it is not true. It is the pigment in your hair that turns the color. and if you have dark hair then you will probably find it sooner. I found gray in mine when i was 9. and i pull them out all the time.

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

Total hogwash!!!!

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

No ,and shaving doesn't make more hair grow. We are born with a predetermined amount of hair follicles.Pulling a gray out wont make others gray nor will it make more grow .If you shave young and keep shaving your hair is just growing in over time naturally. Its not because your shaving. Stubble doesn't seed like grass

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

I have sum grey hairs on the top of my head. But the hairdresser told me its from using my hair straightner too much! So maybe if u use a straightner, ur using it too much.....If not then just pull them out, more WONT appear!

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

no it will not grow back i get one every time i ride in the car with my brother

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

Sometimes, old wives tales are true whether you wanna believe or not.....from most of my own experience and more around me do have more grey hair once u start pulling them out. My nine year old daughter has one too and i'm not gonna pull it out either. So far there's still only one for almost a year now.....i don't really know the actual logic to this but if you only have one.....just let it's not gonna make u less pretty anyway.

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

thats what ppl say but i had one right in the middle of my fringe a few yrs back AND i cut it of . it was the same as yours half couloured . no new ones have grown till now.

by the way they say its lucky to have a single grey hair. lucky u. lol

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?


Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

yes part of that is true. if u pull out that one gray hair then two more will grow in that place and if you pull those out then four more will grow in that place and so on. i suggest you go to the store and get some hair dye that's your natural color or whatever color that's in your hair and dye it to make it blend in with the rest of your hair.

Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

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Is it true that if u pull out a grey hair, more grey hair will appear?

Your hair can only regrow so many times brown, each time it comes closre and closer to grey, because the pigment gets used up in that folicle. Pulling it out would make it more grey, but very very slowly, you would not notice it.

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