Monday, July 27, 2009

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

I'm 21, 33 weeks pregnant and just found like 5 grey

Actually they weren't even grey they were silver!!! Thats even worse!! They'll be harder to hide! I was just wondering if it could be caused by the baby taking everything from my body or is that silly and its just my time?? haha. Nobody in my family had premature hair greying so I find it kinda odd. Maybe stress? you think there is any truth to the 'if you pluck one a couple more will grow back?' Cuz I plucked them all..=/

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

well i am a hair stylist and people will come to me and be like i used to have blonde hair and now its black (which usually medium brown) when you have kids your hair changes. mines used to be curly. i mean walk out of the house wet with some gel locks and now its stick straight, and it went that way while i was pregnant. so yes your hormones could have caused you some grey hair. but shoot girl you earned them!!! i bed for someone to find a grey hair in my hair when i get my hair done cause i feel like ive earned em!!! and no if you pluck them more wont grow, thats an old wives tale. hair turns grey over time, and can even turn grey (lose pigment, actually) overnight. either single strands or large clumps.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

Just because you have a couple grey hairs doesn't mean you'll go completely grey any time soon. And it's not the's just you.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

That is just the start lol just wait for what is yet to come on the grey hairs lol. I got my first grey hair when i was 3 months pregnant with my first. Now that he is five and his brother is 3 I am having a hard time winning the grey hair battle lol. My mom said I am what caused hers too lol.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

I know that a traumatic experience can cause sudden grey hair. Maybe its the hormones. That does a number of things to a person. Ive never had grey hair but Im blonde and dye it so I never really noticed.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

I blame my hubby, not the Innocent baby!lol

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

I've had gray hair since about 23/24 I sum it up to the pregnancy and the hormones. Mine never did go away though. I'm 28 now and I have to dye my hair. It's sad. I really don't know about the myth but mine always seem to grow back, I gave up.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

You know... I've been wondering the same thing. Granted, I'm 36, not 21, but I've had way more greys and all in new hairs around my temples. I wouldn't doubt that there could be a hormonal connection.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

no pregnancy cant cause grey hair.. But stress will. no just pluck them and u should be fine. Stop stressing. Good luck and God Bless.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

I have grey hair too Im only 24. I think it has more to do with stress and hormones then it does pregnancy.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

My bro's 21 and he finds a few silver hairs in his hair every once in a while, but it's b/c he stressed being in college and all. So no, it probabally not pregnancy, and it's probabally normal to find at least one grey hair on your head.

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

no way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can pregnancy cause grey hair??

Hair grows white when the color pigment (melanin) ceases to be produced in the hair follicle and small air spaces take its place in your situation it could be due to stress also. Please check out for more info.

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