I grew my hair long (for about 10 years) and had it cut to donate for Wigs for Kids. I would like to do it again, but by the time my hair gets long enough, it will probably be about 40% grey. Will that be OK to use for adult wigs?
Grey hair for wigs?
Hair donations are taken from everywhere for patients with different uncurable cancers. I will try to find the companies name that does this. What they do is several things. They color match, texture match then once they have all that sorted out then it goes off to a different section to have more things done to it. So yes they can incorperate Gray hair in with wigs for the more natural look and feel. No worries, the young ones love their wigs and dress up and the older ones are only too greatful to have someone care enough.
Grey hair for wigs?
well they might want to dye it...
or they could make wigs for Grandpa's who lose their hair
sure why not
Grey hair for wigs?
I never thought about that...I am sure they will accept it.
Many of those fighting cancer are much older and might prefer a more natural look of greying hair.
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