i am only 16 and my hair dresser found a grey hair the other day while relaxing my hair.am i going to have a grey head soon? what do i do and why do i have the grey hair?
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
It's normal.. I found my first strand @ about age 15..
I'm 31 now and dont have too much.... but i am always coloring my hair so no telling.. lol
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
You know what you should do? Not worry. It is completely and totally normal. Alot of people find maybe one grey hair in there head! Its not going to cause your whole head to turn grey! Im no scientist so i dont know why, but im sure its not something ab-normal. So just relax.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Don't worry! Everyone at your age will probably have one piece of grey hair. 閳?br>Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
if you put a lot of stuff in your hair like coloring, some gray hairs will be found, but you wont have a full head of gray hair anytime soon
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Well my mom said some people get grey hair early,die it, and you might get grey hair soon
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
my mom pulled a grey hair out of my head when i was like 8! you'll be fine keep dying it then nobody will no what your hair color really is.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Stop worrying about grey hair. At your age, you should just be happy to wake up in the morning.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Could be stress.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
You are sweet sixteen. Hair black or grey how does it matter.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Thats your first grey hair you wont get anymore for a long time but if it makes you feel better color your hair, But i doubt anyone can see it
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
My grandfather was dark headed at 18, and totally white-headed and eyebrowed at 20...it runs in our family. I started turning white- headed at 19, and my brothers are totally white-headed now.. I still have a bit to go before I am all white. It may be hereditary... ask your parents, or talk to your grandparents! Find out how old everyone was when they started to turn gray, and you'll get an idea of when you may. Other than that, you might talk to your doctor, as loss of hair color could mean something going on in your body. Gray, or white hair is actually lack of color in the hair follicle, and illness can mess that up in normal hair.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Don't worry too much about it. The same thing happened to me when I was sixteen and I'm 24 and don't have gray hair! Sometimes it just happens from stress...so don't stress over it!
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Grey hairs are just a fact of life, sorry to say. You can get a few very early on, it is fairly normal. I know that I did. I am 25 now and if I really go looking I could probably find 5-10 grey hairs. I would find them every once and a while when I was in high school. I just pull them out, and no one can see them in my thick head of hair anyway.
Don't worry about it though, it is probable that you will only have a couple here and there for quite some time to come. Then when you get older, the # of grey hairs will slowly increase. But I don't think that because you have a couple now that means you are going to have all grey hair pretty soon. It's normal.
I can understand why you are kinda freaking out though, because when I found my first grey hair I was like "I am WAY to young to see this!" LOL But no one will notice a few here or there, except maybe your hairdresser. :)
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
The grey probably wasn't yours.It could have been stuck to her hand when she did the last person. Hair dressers really should wash their hands before moving on to another person, but maybe she was on a tight schedule.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
I'm 18 and have had a patch of grey hair since I was 14. It's not noticeable, but I was worried so I talked to my stylist and she said that grey or silver hair is common to come in for teens but usually only in one or two hairs not a patch like I have. It is just the result of the hair being unable to hold the color any more. We decided that the patch is a result of my hitting my head on a fireplace when I was little and having to get stitches. Don't sweat it, I actually got to the point of showing off my grey hair when others around me were freaking out about their hair. Cherish it, it doesn't mean anything other than that hair can't accept the natural color.
It's not an effect of coloring your hair either, because I didn't start until this summer.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
Just because you have grey hair it dosent mean you will have all grey hair in a short while. If it starts to get bad then just color it, no big deal! I hope I helped.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
I got my first gray hair after my friend nearly got us killed in his car. In fact that night I lost all color in my face and nearly scared myself when I saw just how pale I had become as a result of that incident. I since then concluded that trauma can cause a loss of pigmentation of the hair. I am over 40 now and I still have 95% of my natural hair color. So don't you worry your young self now.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
stress, bleaching to the hair, constant chemicals on your hair, any of these things can cause it. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you are thiss worried you should talk about it and ask your questions with your hairdresser.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
its probably the coloring she used on you.it happens all the time!
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
If i were you, i would not pull it. Maybe it comes from too much stress. If you pull that gray hair, you will become a gray head by the time you are in you late 20's or 30's.
Why did my hair dresser find a grey hair?
well maybe its from damage from relaxers, hot irons/rollers, over coloring, stuff like that
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