Monday, July 27, 2009

Re grey hair after chemo?


just wanted to asked if anyone can tell me what can person do to prevent getting grey hair after chemo.Also can someone explain why does the hair change colour and if this is going to e permanent. Can any hair clinic offer a treatment. Would be great to hear from someone who knows more about this. thanks

Re grey hair after chemo?

people dont get grey hair after chemo..they loose ALL their hair while under chemotherapy. Now their hair color after the chemo is over will usually grow in a darker color than what it was prior to the start of chemo and they will not get hair back, usually limited amounts, depending where the radiation, if any, was done..

I should know....7 year cancer survivor

Re grey hair after chemo?

First, can I ask why you think you will have gray hair after chemo???

Re grey hair after chemo?

Hi, been there, done that.I had a gentle colour put through my hair at the hairdressers.My hair is a little darker than before chemo, and thinner, but I'm glad it grew back.Get well soon.;o)

Re grey hair after chemo?

Many peoples' hair grows back just the same colour as it was before treatment - mine did. That said, I couldn't care less if it had grown back bright pink, as long as I remain strong healthy - there's always hair dye!

Re grey hair after chemo?

My hair came back curly and thicker after radiation. (Hodgkin's at age 15) Chemo can also cause hair to come back in a different color and curly or straight. I've always heard that if it comes in curly that can actually change after a few years after the chemo. It did for me when I had radiation. My hair finally started coming in straight a year or so after the radiation.

Now, as to why it can change the color---I don't know. I can guess that since chemo is/can be toxic, or perhaps by sheer coincidence, that perhaps the hair follicle is damaged or dies (which is what cause hair to turn gray in the first place) and that's what causes the gray. I'd like to know for sure though. Great question!

Now, I am starting chemo on Tuesday and I know I'm really gray (thanks Loreal for the memories). So, when my hair falls out and comes back in, I've decided not to color it anymore and just stay gray. It's too much hassle to color it every 3 weeks.

Good luck!

Re grey hair after chemo?

My grandsons hair was no different after he had chemo.

Re grey hair after chemo?

My son had chemo, age four.

when his hair grew back it was softer and lighter in colour than it was before he has red hair and it was quite blonde at first.

It was also very curly for the first year but gradually it got straighter and now seven years on it is just the same as it was before.

I also have a friend who had chemo.

Her hair was grey before treatment, but she always coloured it so no one really knew.

when it grew back it was grey (of course)

the other thing was for a good 18 months her hair was very curly just like my sons had been.

Re grey hair after chemo?

well some people's hair has been known to change color or shape after chemotherapy but it seems to me that you got chemo right before your hair started to turn gray like it does for most men, and when it grew back in it was quite a shock because it hadnt turned fully gray yet before chemo. you could proably use rogaine.

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