is grey hair attractive, i`m only 45 but have gone grey, fed up with dying , have grey roots in 2 weeks, want to grow dye out and be grey, opinions please
Grey hair is it attractive?
I'm in my thirties and I decided to go grey. I'm lucky in that I've got a good clear colour so it looks very salt %26amp; pepper. The horrible part is growing out your roots, but after that all you need to do is condition it loads, use a UV product to stop it yellowing in the sun and get a VERY GOOD HAIRCUT. The grey hair shampoos can be dodgy and make it look purple. I use a shampoo for scandinavian blonde hair maybe once a month. There is a nice book about looking after grey hair called Going Grey, Looking Great which is out of print, so look for it second hand online. It has a lot of information and great pictures.
Be prepared for your hairdresser to look sceptical when you tell her. You have to be firm once you decide to go natural. But your Saturdays will be free again!
Grey hair is it attractive?
I think it can be. they even make hair products specifically for grey hair.Id go for it.Is your hair an attractive silver grey or is it yellowy? I think they even make hair dye that will match your existing grey if that helps. Good luck.
Grey hair is it attractive?
i like it. but i'm unconventional and don't believe what society says is attractive or not anyway. it's a personal thing, i think grey hair is lovely if you wear it with pride and confidence and style it nicely then i think it would look just fantastic.
Grey hair is it attractive?
There are some women very attractive with grey hair.See Maryl Streep in the devil wears Prada for instance.
Grey hair is it attractive?
l like a lot gray hair! l think they look very sexy ;o)
and even sexier is healthy hair, which you can't have if you dye them out all the time!
Grey hair is it attractive?
i'm 42 i hate mine.i have multicolored hair.light hair reddish blonde with dark roots and grey thruout.i don't look good letting mine grow out.yours might,give it a try. if you don't like it color it.
Grey hair is it attractive?
I suppose its a personal thing ?, i find it quite attractive. 46 and going grey myself !!.
Grey hair is it attractive?
Why yes it is attractive. Even a lot of women in their early 20's, 30's find men with grey hair very attractive.
Grey hair is it attractive?
It will propbably age you, grey hair on an older man can make him look distinguished, why not try a blue rinse, lol.
Grey hair is it attractive?
Men with grey hair are very sexy when younger. My husband has lots of grey hair and he is only 35. I think he looks very sexy.
I have just stopped dying my hair and have discovered lots of grey hair coming through. I was pulling them out but have now given up...may have to go back to the dying in the summer..
Grey hair is it attractive?
I don't know how much you'll consider this, I think it is beautiful. My mother constantly colors her hair and it is very obviously just not her natural color, either too red, transparent appearing (naturally brown hair). I think she would probably have been best in her salt-n-pepper. It is totally up to you on what makes you feel good. If you don't like to get it colored, you do not have to in fact there are some awesome at home treatments to brighten and shine grey hair colors, white, etc.
I like this example, see how pretty?
Grey hair is it attractive?
With men, yes - with women, not really (unless it's a really striking silver).
Grey hair is it attractive?
Being yourself is attractive!
Nothing looks more tacky that someone trying to hold on to the past.
You might consider getting your beautician to put in highlights, that help disguise the grey but don't try to hide them.
Grey hair is it attractive?
It depends on length, general appearance and style. If your grey hair style is out of date and you don't take pride in your appearance, then grey hair can age you.
Grey hair is it attractive?
My wife thinks it is. I have semi grey hair in beard and main hair. No way I was going to dye it anyway.
But as she says makes a man look distinguished.
Grey hair is it attractive?
Absolute filth - there is no need for grey hair in this day and age. You should take a pride in your appearance not want to look like an old grapper! Disgusting
Grey hair is it attractive?
you can have highlights of different shades of grey to even out the colour at the hair dressers and a good hair style and be a fab looking grey. if you are confident in yourself no one will care. at least not anyone who matters to you.
Grey hair is it attractive?
how does it make you feel? how do you feel about yourself?
personally i love grey hair - can be extremely striking!
Grey hair is it attractive?
it's distinguished and just be glad you haven't got alopecia!
Grey hair is it attractive?
Most of the time, when people say that grey hair is attractive, they mean on men. However, I agree with Brenno's point about Meryl Streep. I didn't even watch that movie, but she looked so stunning in the commercials.
For a real life example: my late nana always wore her wavy hair long, and I remember that it had completely turned this lovely silver color by the time I was a toddler. I'm hoping mine goes the same way, but with my luck it'll either go yellow or fall out.
So, yes, I think grey hair can look good on women.
Grey hair is it attractive?
I think grey hair can be attractive. If the hair is cut to a short style it looks great on any age.
When i go grey, i'm gonna be proud about it - no hair dye for me!
Grey hair is it attractive?
grey hair can be very attractive. i think it all comes down to the style u have cut into it. why not change colour and cut for a funky style. id say go for it. u can always die it back if u didn't like it. good luck
Grey hair is it attractive?
Yes it's all depending on how it's styled.
Grey hair is it attractive?
no greys gross, and shiny silver sounds worse, what are you a snake?
Grey hair is it attractive?
is a fat belly attractive? didnt think so. neither is grey hair.sorry ma.
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