OK, i want grey hair permanently, and I am willing to take drastic measures to do so. I am actually already somewhat grey, but I want more. Grey hair symbolizes experience, and lord knows, i've experienced much suffering( which is, philosopically, the best teacher) in my young life. I love grey hair and everything it represents. Theortically, I have two theories; one of these is to go through laser hair removal, which seems to remove the melanin, but doesnt remove the hair completely until 6-8 sessions, thus; will turn the hair white in 1-2 sessions without removing the hair. The next theortical option is to put hydroquinone in my hair (a skin whitening agent that kills melanin, used by people who want to look more white.) If anyone can shed some information of the aforementioned, please share your knowledge.
How do I permanently get grey hair? I have a few ideas....?
don;t laser it wont grow back. skin bleach wil not work. bleach your hair and wait until it is platinum blond (hair will break) then go buy grey shampoo at any local store and on the bottle it says takes out the yellow. salons wont do it. they are too scared to ruin your hair. good luck
How do I permanently get grey hair? I have a few ideas....?
i really don't know but I've heard that ppl that go through traumatic experiences get Grey hair over night
How do I permanently get grey hair? I have a few ideas....?
Want grey hairs quickly?
Have children.
How do I permanently get grey hair? I have a few ideas....?
Become a barrister and wear a horsehair wig.
How do I permanently get grey hair? I have a few ideas....?
Grow older.
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