ive had grey hair since i was 13.
and i love it. it's silver and beautiful and even though i often dye it pink that's because i like pink more lol! but seriously, i love my silver hair. it's beautiful. i've had it for 6 years and can't imagine not having silver (or pink) hair. i don't get whats so wrong with it. i don't care that i look old - i think it makes me look smarter and in most cultures elders are respected. i'm never going to be ashamed of my beautiful hair.
what is wrong with grey/silver hair? why do most american women dye it and dye it?
What's wrong with grey hair?
Theres nothing wrong with grey hair ! I like it!!
What's wrong with grey hair?
people just dont like to show that theyre getting old.
What's wrong with grey hair?
well gray hair is all genetic, but some people don't get a beautiful gray like yours!
What's wrong with grey hair?
Grey hair symbolizes aging.
All women hate aging.
This is one thing that they think will "keep them young"
You had it when you were 13?
Wow... im soo sorry...
What's wrong with grey hair?
well i don't think there sumthing wrong with that
but it's nasty cuz then ppl are gonna think your like hella old lol aka that you are old =]
that's what's wrong......
What's wrong with grey hair?
We live in a time/culture that regards youth as a person's prime. So naturally grey hair would be shunned. But do what you want. You only live once and if you love your grey hair then I say you should flaunt it.
What's wrong with grey hair?
There's nothing wrong with it :]
I love Grey hair too.
i don't have it but I think it's pretty.
And American women. I don't think any one knows why they do anything.
i think there just scared of the reality there getting old.
What's wrong with grey hair?
Premature greying can be caused from sulfer in the system. You get sulfer from foods such as eggs, cigerarettes,meats and dries beans.
What's wrong with grey hair?
If you wish to be a silver fox, go for it
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