Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why do I have grey hair at 18?

I found a couple of grey hairs last August and didn't think much of it. Fast forward to now and I have 2 large distinct spots of grey/ on the right side of my head, then an inch away at my bangs I have a small strip there also. Now going through most of the similar questions on this...I've had no past traumatic experiences, no medication, no family history, and I've been pretty healthy all my life. Perhaps stress? Why would it come in the summer then, when its probably the least stressful time with no school. Also I was curious if the two spots mean anything? Just a bit curious if anybody can educate me on my hair as I get questions about it all the time, and I don't even know the answer to it.

Why do I have grey hair at 18?

hey, never mind. happens to the best of us. i also have grey hairs. can probably be due to stress or something. cover to colour as the hair ads always say.

Why do I have grey hair at 18?

I don't know... I am 26 and have a bunch of grey hair. My mom was totally grey at 25. Maybe you should ask your parents if they went grey at an early age??

Why do I have grey hair at 18?

Hi.Don't let it get u dn.I think it just has 2 do w/ea indiviual person.My sister was totally grey at 21.I've never had any.But,that's why we have so many diff kinds of hair dye available.Good luck!*

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