Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do you dye grey chest hair?

Anyone know how to dye grey chest hair without dying your skin?

Is it even possible?




How do you dye grey chest hair?

Yes it's possible, just buy the color you need (for men) and brush it on (try to avoid getting it on your skin so don't rub it in because it will stain your chest for a few days). The more you do it the more you'll get use to it and perfect it without getting any on your skin.

How do you dye grey chest hair?

With hair Dye. Some salons will do it if not buy the OTC Hair color formulated for Beards and Mustaches. It works better on Body hair. Generally use a shade or 2 lighter than desired color level.

How do you dye grey chest hair?

Buy "Just for Men" hair color that covers gray. Your chest is skin just like your face or scalp, it wont hurt you, but it may have to be re-done often to keep the darker color.

You could take the easy way out and shave the hair off, or go have it waxed off.

Why are you afraid to have gray chest hair anyway? If a person likes chest hair, and some people don't, gray is not an issue.

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