Thursday, July 23, 2009

Can I use a non permanent hair color such as Loving care while trying to grow out my grey hair.?

Right now my hair looks terrible, have about an inch of brown and grey and the rest is all washed out brown almost looking reddish. I have colored my hair for many years and am really ready to go grey but there must be a better way than just letting it grow out. Will a non permanent color truly wash out eventually without affecting the natural color.

Can I use a non permanent hair color such as Loving care while trying to grow out my grey hair.?

I have done this in the past when i colored my hair and it came out all wrong. You may have to reapply the non-permanent color fairly often until you get the grey to the point where you can live with it or feel comfortable cutting the rest of the color off.

Can I use a non permanent hair color such as Loving care while trying to grow out my grey hair.?

I've been using the non-permanents trying to grow out to my natural colour. So far they're just OK, a stop gap. The colour fades, but to pleasant shades.

I haven't let it completely wear off though, so I'm not sure about residue after a couple of months without re-colouring.

Can I use a non permanent hair color such as Loving care while trying to grow out my grey hair.?

No. Even non-permanent color(Level 1. wash-out in 14 shampoo, Level 2. wash-out in 20 shampoo as it's written on the box)won't totally washed out.

The only best way is to cut it a bit shorter while you're letting it grow.

Can I use a non permanent hair color such as Loving care while trying to grow out my grey hair.?

I am totally grey..If you are trying to grow your grey then you should not color it anymore. Simply get the ends trimmed as much as you can once it grows. (I say this because the more you dye your hair then you are not going to go grey, it will always have dye in it). Yes it look terrible, the only color I would suggest is black, then you can get braids to help it grow faster and get enough length for a nice cut. My grow is longer than I normally wear it, but my choice is a nice short tapered cut.

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